Category Archives: 30 in 30

30 in 30 Collage & Wrap up

For me, it was only 29 in 30 but I’m still feeling a sense of accomplishment (and relief that it’s over!) Grateful to Leslie Saeta for hosting this for so many artists out there.


30 in 30 Day 30 – In Like a Lamb

I did it! Woo-hoo! It’s been a lot of fun but I’m also glad to be done with it. Looking forward to working on some larger, more time intensive pieces now -and making monotypes tomorrow!

Oil on canvas, 4″ x 4″



30 in 30 Day 29 – March Hair

This late in the challenge and I’ve run behind! Trying to play catch-up now but luckily there is just one more to go. Hope to finish that final painting tonight. I think the month change threw me off a bit. I always feel a little lighter, almost giddy when March shows up. Spring is just around the corner.

March Hair, oil on canvas board, 7″ x 5″ $49


30 in 30 Day 28 – The Brave Little Ampersand

Oil on canvas board, 7″ x 5″

Because it’s day 28 and I’m getting punchy and making punctuation jokes.



30 in 30 Day 27 – Deep Water

Oil on canvas board, 7″ x 5″

A small fish is better than none.



30 in 30 Day 26 – Three Sisters

Oil on canvas, 12″ x 12″



30 in 30 day 25 – Bleak House

Oil on canvas board, 7″ x 5″



30 in 30 Day 24 – Shotgun Shack

A little nostalgia for the first house that Frank and I shared, in a beautifully wooded area on the banks of Clear Creek. A wee shotgun shack, with no shotguns inside.

“Shotgun Shack,” oil on canvas, 10″ x 8″



30 in 30 Day 23 – Gentle Giraffe

Oil on canvas board, 7″ x 5″



30 in 30 Day 22 – Petrichor II

Starting to think I might actually make it all the way to day 30!

Petrichor is one of my favorite scents. Don’t have a lot of opportunity to experience it in Denver. We get a few dramatic rain storms in the summer months, but the danger of hail keeps me with one eye on the vegetable garden when it happens – can’t just relax and enjoy it. My youngest daughter tells me it has been raining in Richmond, Indiana for a couple of day now. In February! Hard to imagine.

“Petrichor II,” oil on canvas board

