Monthly Archives: February 2014

Flowers (For Kathy Wolohon)

Oil on canvas board, 8″ x 10″.  # 3 of my 30 in 30.

Dedicated to a gifted painter – perhaps the shyest artist I have ever known.

She did not know her own power. Rest in peace, Kathy.





Oil on canvas board, 4″ x 6″. This is #2 of my challenge to create 30 small paintings in 30 days. Finished it last night!






Tooth & Nail

OK, I am trying to do 30 tiny paintings in 30 days.

Here is the first, “Tooth & Nail.” oil on canvas, 5″ x 5″.


Heart & Soul


“Heart & Soul,” new paintings by Katie Hoffman & Lance Green at Valkarie Gallery, is now up and open and there will be a reception tomorrow from 5 to 10 PM. I did send out postcards but apparently too late. Since my mom didn’t receive one, it’s a sure bet nobody else did either.   (Finding postcard stamps was an ordeal.)


If you are one of the 2 or 3 people who reads this blog, please know that you are invited and I would be delighted to see you there tomorrow evening.

Even if you don’t read this blog, I hope you come and I would love to see you.

We will also be there on the First Friday in March if you can’t make it tomorrow, and there may still be wine and cheese available.

This show runs through March 9 and the open hours are as follows:

Wednesdays 10 – 3 & 4 – 7

Thursdays & Fridays noon – 7

Saturdays noon – 6

Sundays noon – 10

Plus we are open on the first Friday of the month (that will be March 7 for this show) from noon – 10.


Happy Valentines Day.

Because it is Bitter

Oil on canvas, 40″ x 30″


Wedding at Cana

Oil on canvas, 18″ x 18″
