Category Archives: art issues

30 in 30 day 11 – Sheep

One of the things that I like best about the 30 in 30 challenge is that it forces me to work more quickly and simplify things. I know this makes my paintings better, but I tend to forget and get fussy – and knowing something isn’t always the same as doing it. I’m pretty pleased with this little painting, and I hope I can remember to keep it simple after this month is over.



Oil on cradled wood panel, 5″ x 5″


Dear Katie

You suck.



The Cherry Creek Arts Festival.

Back at ya CCAF

Now here are some cats and a spark of hope!

Love, Katie



My show at Zip 37 is over. I’ve taken the paintings away and prepared the gallery for the next artist. It’s been a good run and I sold 9 paintings between the two shows at CORE and Zip (essentially the same body of work on two different sides of town) as well as a handful of monotypes. I’m thanking whatever gods may be that smiled on me these past two months- but I’m especially thanking the good folks who like the work enough to fork over some money and take it home. (Maybe I can get that root canal & crown now.)


My next show is scheduled to open at Zip 37 on February 10, 2012. It wasn’t my first choice of date but I’ll work with it. I plan to do some reading and thinking about the sickness that is love in preparation for this show which falls around Valentine’s Day.



The beauty of things you never consider

Titan Arum man is coming along well. He should be done in time for the show, which needs to be hung in – gads – a little more than two weeks.

The slightly larger painting that I have high hopes for is still giving me fits.

Don’t know if it will be done in time.

A little good news

One of my few favorite self-made paintings, “Step into My Parlor,” has been accepted into the 28th Annual All Colorado Art Show at the Curtis Arts & Humanities Center .

This is more important to me than it probably should be; I have a history of bad luck with juries, despite my good luck with interesting and lovely people who seem to come out of nowhere, are genuinely enthusiastic about my work and even buy it sometimes. I am always surprised – and thankful- when I get selected for a juried show.

“I’m tired of prices

I’m tired of waiting for something…”

Good music, good cause

Delighted to find, today, an album (can I still call it that? It’s a digital download…) that celebrates the song writing of Joanna Newsom and is donating the proceeds from sales to Pakistan flood  relief funds, via Oxfam America.

I  hear less in the news about the tragedy in Pakistan than I do about Haiti, and I don’t know why that is. Proximity? Religion? I don’t think that the need is any less urgent.

Newsom’s songs are quirky, poetic, jangling,and joyously bone-quivering. It’s such good stuff, and interesting to see how other musicians interpret the work of this accomplished young artist.

You can give “Versions of Joanna” a listen here, and buy it with a donation to Oxfam here.

24th Annual Fine Art Market Show and Sale at the Arvada Center

for Arts and Humanities.

Many wonderful local artists display their wares at this show, and the opening reception is lovely; beautiful young people in ties walk around with trays of pastries and things, offering them up. I will have 13 pieces in this exhibit. Most are tiny and brand new. There is also a new thing this year for people who have cell phones (i.e., everyone on the planet except me). You can dial in a number and hear each artist say whatever they’ve chosen to say about their work. What a world!

Crooked Beauty

An embrace

Another small (8″ x8″) work in progress. This one is about 50% complete- I think.

I’m supposed to be finishing these pieces for presentation at festive holiday art markets. Will they be salable with the cheerful Christmas crowd? God only knows. They are coming out just as they please, though. Never been great at channeling lucre.

Talking Pictures

How do you want your work to speak to people?

I’d like mine to speak with an Eastern European accent, in hushed and urgent tones of things sweet and scary that people remember right before they drift into sleep.

But I’ll settle for my work saying “Look at me for more than a nanosecond.”

I talk about this briefly on my friend Annette Coleman‘s Blogtalk radio show, “Art Marketing and Artist Networking for the Visual Artist,” here. This episode, “Potpourri,” is a compilation of bits from the previous shows hosted by Boulder, Colorado artist Annette and co-hosted by Denver artist Jim Caldwell.