Monthly Archives: March 2008


quizling.jpgOil and collage on canvas, 8″ x 8″. 


is suddenly here in Denver. Bulbs poke their heads out of the ground and the daylight hours are longer. After thirty two years here, I still get the feeling in winter that the drear will never end. And the appearance of spring still seems like a surprise.    

Mail Art- Call for Entries

For you mail art mavens out there- Colorado’s illustrious Roger Rapp is organizing “My Voice,” a politically-themed mail art show to coincide with the Democratic National Convention in Denver. Sounds like standard mail art procedures- no fee to enter, and no return of entries. For details please click on the flyer thumbnail. mailartcall.jpg

My Blue Heaven

“My Blue Heaven,” oil on canvas, 24″ x 30″.blogmyblueheaven.jpg