Monthly Archives: October 2010

The world is too much with us

But still there are things that make it worth while.


This guy does with words what I am trying, always, to do with paint.

I don’t know who he is, but he’s good. Check out his poems. Makes me think about quantum entanglement & all kinds of other things I don’t understand but think about anyway.


Also, please vote on Tuesday if you haven’t already.

Like the cowardly lion closing his eyes tight and chanting, I do believe I do believe I do believe that we can make a difference. Already we have a president capable of complex sentence structure! Magic is real, people. Cast your ballot.


Oil on canvas, 8″ x 8″.

Mermaids Singing (What the Water Wants)

With apologies to and in appreciation of T.S. Eliot and Sufjan Stevens.

And countless others. Always.

Oil on wood, 6″ x 36″.

I’ve finished this oddly sized painting for a group show titled Syzygy (we’re all working on this same long, narrow panel) that will open at Sync Gallery on November 19th and hang until December 11th.

Many thanks to the good people at Sync for inviting me.

Night owls

Chine-collé monotypes made at the Art Students League of Denver.

They started to morph away from owl and toward floating groucho glasses at the end.

ten twenty twenty ten

“Churning,” oil on canvas, 6″ x6″.

Finished now.

Farther along

At least a bit.

I think this one is almost finished.

“The Embrace,” oil on canvas, 8″ x 8″.

Second Life

Oil on canvas, 6″ x 6″.

An embrace

Another small (8″ x8″) work in progress. This one is about 50% complete- I think.

I’m supposed to be finishing these pieces for presentation at festive holiday art markets. Will they be salable with the cheerful Christmas crowd? God only knows. They are coming out just as they please, though. Never been great at channeling lucre.

I Want to be Well

It’s a work in progress.

So is this little 6″ x 6″ painting- but it is has an end in close sight, and is very nearly there.

I have been seized by consumerist lust waiting for Sufjan Stevens’ newest release, Age of Adz, to be released. I bought it just as last night turned into today, and it delights me.

My favorite cut at this point is youtubed below.


“One must imagine Sysiphus happy.”

-Albert Camus