Monthly Archives: February 2015

A Cowardly Lion

And an inexplicable melancholy on this sunny, soggy, drippy day in Denver.

Perhaps the coming snowstorm will brighten my mood.

CowardlyLion“Cowardly Lion,” oil on canvas board, 5″ x 7″

I will have the studio open tomorrow from 5 until 9. I think.


Sweating the Small Stuff

Broke-down House, oil on canvas, 5″ x 5″


Cat Alert, oil on canvas board, 5″ x 7″





The Gloaming

Oil on canvas board, 8″ x 6″

Listed here





Where were you?

I haven’t much been here lately, but it has been a busy beginning to 2015. I was excited to participate in The Art of Winter exhibit at the invitation of Jennifer Mosquera. I had a blast painting my snowboard piece, which was displayed at DIA. KatieHoffmanAOWSnowboard I was flattered to be asked to show at Valkarie Gallery as a guest artist in the Resident Artists’ Gallery, at the invitation of Valerie Saverie. I’ll have 3 of my new paintings from the House that Jack Built series there through March 1. ThisIsTheFarmerSowingHerCor I am thrilled to have had “Because it is Bitter” accepted into Core New Art Space‘s national show, “Losing Love.” This show was juried by Niza Knoll, opens this Friday February 13 and runs through March 1. BecauseItIsBitter I have recently opened an Etsy Shop for my watercolors and small oils and have been immersed in trying to learn what the heck I’m doing there. Who says you can’t teach an old dog new Latin conjugations? At least, you can try. My shop is here. And finally, I’ve been remaking my website. The software I’ve been using for almost ten years is obsolete, so I was forced into a long-overdue rehaul. You can see the site,, here. It is still a work in progress but I’m having fun learning about Sandvox and what I can do with it. I hope your 2015 is off to a good start, wherever you are. [youtube=