Monthly Archives: November 2009

The Arvada Center’s 23rd Annual Art Market.

Tonight, I’m tagging work to drop off for this (always beautiful) show tomorrow morning.

The video includes some shots from last year’s show- my paintings can be seen on the far left at 4:41 in the video:)

Hoping it’s a great, lucrative year for the Arvada Center and for all the artists participating.

It is Steal Something Day

and I am cranky.

I get as annoyed as anyone else with the wads of ads in the Thanksgiving Day newspaper urging me to buy crap I don’t need.

But Adbusters’ “Buy Nothing Day” alternative has always rubbed me the wrong way, seemed a little sanctimonious.

It’s like that couple with the second home who wear new clothing and drive (new! expensive!) hybrid vehicles telling you all about their non-materialistic lifestyle while they sip their micro-brews.


So for others who don’t want to feel guilty about buying a loaf of bread today- if they can afford to buy a loaf of bread today- there is Steal Something Day, a snarky concept with a large grain of truth conceived by a group of anarchists in Montreal.

You could make a grand gesture today and pull a Jean Valjean.

CORE New Art Space is open tonight and I will be working there. Anyone who would like to celebrate Black Friday by buying art is more than welcome.

This economy has been particularly hard on visual artists.

Non-buying lookers are welcome, too. But please don’t steal anything:)

I’m not really that cranky. I hope those of you who celebrate Thanksgiving had a lovely Thanksgiving. Happy Black Friday.


Oil on linen, 6″ x 6″. In fond memory of that year when Mom and I were so crazy that we dressed the cat up in baby clothes.

Also vaguely related to thoughts of Lewis Carroll’s Alice.

The Queen of Denial

Oil on canvas, 16″ x 16″.

In Dreams

My inspiration is flagging. I need to finish more paintings but feel drained. I grope around in the corners of my mind, desperately looking for it… and I listen to this song.

Roy Orbison. What a talent.

The Dragon who Ate my Dreams

Oil on linen, 6″ x 6″.



18″ x 18″, oil on canvas

Stick Figure

Oil on linen, 6″ x 6″.


Mariza was in Denver last night. It was a real treat to hear her sing songs filled with beautiful longing and sadness.

She sang one of my favorite fados, “Primavera.”

At one point she had to ask a person in the front row what on earth they were doing with their cellphone, anyway.


The Boar

Oil on linen, 6″ x 6″.
