Monthly Archives: February 2016

Superb Owls

This city is taken over with Bronco fever.

I don’t know anything about football, but it’s nice to see my friends and family who follow the sport so excited and happy. Will it end in tears tomorrow? Who knows.


Oil on canvas board, 5″ x 7″

Available here


Superb Owl #2, oil on canvas board, 5″ x 7″

Available here.



30 in 30 Day 30 – Windows

Do you get phone calls from people with Indian accents asking about your windows? I do, several times a week. I would love some help with my circa 1945 windows. They are crumbly and leaky and let so much cold into the house. The folks on the other end of the phone claim to be interested in my windows but always hang up when I start telling them about my windows.



Oil on canvas board, 5″ x 7″

Available here.

I’m ready for this to be over and happy to be posting #30, the last painting in the challenge

I did enjoy it and realized that even in stressful times, I can paint.


Keep passing those open windows.