Monthly Archives: February 2008


nesting.jpgOil and mixed media on linen, 6″ x 6″. 

Happy Valentine’s Day

heartcrop.jpgHow I hated this holiday when I was younger. I still think it’s a cruel commercial holiday that excludes the lonely. But- there may be nothing lovelier than a valentine, to one in love. My favorite site about romantic love – heart wrenching, unrequited love – is Steve-o Stonebreaker’s Agony and Rapture

My Thanks

To writer Betsy Robinson and the staff at Spirituality&Health magazine for choosing to feature my work in the “Openings” column of their March/April issue. I feel very honored. The issue will ship out to S&H subscribers this week, and should be on newsstands at the beginning of March.  

The Ill Wind

Oil on Canvas, 12″ x 12″.anillwind.jpg