Monthly Archives: December 2012

Farther Along

This is one of my most favorite Appalachianish gospel songs. It both acknowledges the existential uncertainty of the human condition and offers a little comfort. And this is  a very nice version of the dozens of good ones out there, by Marideth Sisco.



I have been arguing on the internet too much lately, and to no avail. I am trying hard not to be so full of impotent rage and sadness.

I have finished the painting “Mad Dog.” It is oil on wood, 11″  x 14″. I will have the studio open this Friday December 21st – providing the world doesn’t end that day – and it will be the last opportunity for 2012 prices on paintings and monotypes.  Or if you just want to come by and say hi, it would be nice to see you.


Mute Procession

Oil on linen, 18″ x 24″.


WIP: Sore Afraid

Working title, “Fear Not.”

Oil on canvas, 30″ x 24″.


Christmas is coming.

The goose is getting fat.

I used to be pretty good at the enforced jollity of the holidays. Not sure I convince anybody these days.

Happy Holidays

xmas2012-2The days are dark and unlovely but I am trying to get into the spirit, making and mailing dozens of cards like the one above.

I will be participating in a Holiday Open House with my fellow Fresh Artists at 900 Santa Fe Drive this Friday December 7 from 6 to 9 PM and Saturday December 8 from 1 to 3 PM. We’ll have some holiday noshes available and this will be the last chance to buy my work at 2012 prices. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop by and say hi.


Any Christmas not spent in a mental institution is a relatively good Christmas.