Monthly Archives: September 2015


oil on canvas, 60″ x 48″


I am happy to have finished the largest painting I’ve attempted thus far and grateful for the advice of my trusted friend Dave Wyzenbeek that helped me see this to completion.”Majnun” will be debuting at Core New Art Space  on October 1, in a show titled “Ghosts” that I am sharing with the accomplished and gifted altered book artist Valerie Savarie.

I will be present all three Friday evenings of this three-week exhibit, on the 2nd, the 9th, and the 16th, from 6 to 9 PM. I hope you can come by, share a glass of wine, and let me know what you think of the new work.

If you’re interested in knowing more about the ancient story of the star-crossed lovers that inspired this painting, you can learn about Layla and Majnun here. And Eric Clapton once wrote some songs about them, too.

Take Me to Church

Today I hung eleven paintings at the Sixth Avenue United Church of Christ at the kind invitation of Joshua North-Shea. I feel an affinity for the UCC, and was involved with the Wheat Ridge United Church of Christ some years ago when my children were small.

The paintings, which will hang there through September and October:

Brevity&Joy“Brevity & Joy”

TreadSoftly“Tread Softly”




TheOneYouFeed“The One You Feed”

RebeccaAtTheWell“Rebecca at the Well”

MuteProcession“Mute Procession”

StillSmallVoice“The Still Small Voice”


WhenIAmInTheGroundAndDreamO“When I Am in the Ground and Dream of You Still”

Also, I participated in World Art Drop Day by leaving this little owl outside:



Art Drop Day is when original works of art are left around for strangers to find and take.

I think my choice of location may have been ill-considered, though. The wind is picking up, and this little watercolor may just be ruined by rain and traffic and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. Ah, well.