Monthly Archives: August 2015

A Cup, a Cup, a Cup, a Cup

I have paintings at St. Mark’s Coffeehouse through this month of August.

So. Despite this hilarious sketch about coffee house art from Portlandia-

-in an age where there is a Starbucks inside of a Starbucks on every corner, I am delighted to have paintings at this independently owned Denver tradition. Doug Peterson- the guy who curates for St. Mark’s, is an artist himself, and asked me if I’d show there- is really nice.

There will be a sort of reception this Saturday evening, August 15 from 6 to 8 PM.
I will be providing a cheese plate, so if you’re low on calcium that is an incentive to come, fortify your teeth and bones, and have a cup of coffee or a beer with me.
If you’re feeling the need for something harder, you can duck over to the next side, The Thin Man Tavern.

If you simply can’t make it by, don’t want to see me, and/or hate beverages of all kinds, that’s okay too.
You can virtually see the paintings here below and be on the lookout for forlorn redheads.



