Monthly Archives: February 2011

Witch Doctor Wolf

Oil on canvas, 18″ x 18″.

Fever Demon

Oil on Canvas, 14″ x 14″.


Oil on canvas, 16″x 12″.

“Scorned Lovers”

I am happy to have several paintings hanging in the Scorned Lovers Show at The Art Salon, which runs until the end of March.

It is raining tonight in Denver. Dashed hopes and vain fancies swirl through the gutters and wash down into storm drains.

The Early Riser

Oil on canvas, 12″x 12″.

Medicine Taste

Oil on canvas, 5″ x 5″.

“Wild Horses”

Oil on canvas, 12″x 9″.

Every Body’s Beautiful

I’m delighted to be showing a handful of nudes in this show -which opens tonight- at Stoneheart Gallery in Evergreen, Colorado.

The Horse Trader

Oil on canvas, 8″ x 8″.

Brutally cold in Denver today.