30 in 30 day 25 – Bleak House

Oil on canvas board, 7″ x 5″



30 in 30 Day 24 – Shotgun Shack

A little nostalgia for the first house that Frank and I shared, in a beautifully wooded area on the banks of Clear Creek. A wee shotgun shack, with no shotguns inside.

“Shotgun Shack,” oil on canvas, 10″ x 8″



30 in 30 Day 23 – Gentle Giraffe

Oil on canvas board, 7″ x 5″



30 in 30 Day 22 – Petrichor II

Starting to think I might actually make it all the way to day 30!

Petrichor is one of my favorite scents. Don’t have a lot of opportunity to experience it in Denver. We get a few dramatic rain storms in the summer months, but the danger of hail keeps me with one eye on the vegetable garden when it happens – can’t just relax and enjoy it. My youngest daughter tells me it has been raining in Richmond, Indiana for a couple of day now. In February! Hard to imagine.

“Petrichor II,” oil on canvas board



30 in 30 Day 21 – Lioness

Oil on canvas, 6″ x 6″

Little tired.


30 in 30 day 20 – Lap Dog

Woo Hoo! 2/3 of the way through. I’m definitely at the what-the-hell-am-I-going-to-manage-to-finish-before-midnight-today stage. This time it was a tiny board. Clearly I’m still thinking about the Year of the Dog.

“Lap Dog,” oil on canvas board, 7″ x 5″



30 in 30 Day 19 – Ladder

Oil on canvas, 8″ x 8″



30 in 30 Day 18 – Ghost Owl

I have sleep issues.

“Ghost Owl,” oil on canvas, 6″ x 6″




30 in 30 Day 17 – High Horse

This is Colorado, after all. Oil on canvas, 5″ x 7″


Plus some hillbilly music. I’m fascinated by how much Hank Williams III looks and sounds like his grand dad.

30 in 30 Day 16 – Island Dream

A tiny 4″ x 4″ oil on canvas today. Not sure where this came from, really – my subconscious must be liking the thought of drinking Mojitos on a beach somewhere. It’s not going to happen anytime soon, but it’s a nice dream nonetheless. A snowstorm has begun in Denver.

“Island Dream,” oil on stretched canvas, 4″ x 4″

